Giving Back with New Products

Image of a protest sign from a day of climate action that reads "The climate is changing- so should we! #actnow" 

Making sustainable changes to our daily lives isn’t a trend anymore. Now, it’s a necessity. If we want to avoid catastrophic consequences of climate change, pollution, and environmental destruction, there’s no time to waste! Inaction is just not an option. 

Where to Start?

But making these changes--or trying to--can be overwhelming. For one, it’s hard to know where to start. And with so many sources of suggestions and advice, even doing research can quickly rack up enough tabs to crash your Internet browser. Knowing you need to act but not knowing where to start. Feeling unsure of your impact in the face of such a big, complex issue. It goes way beyond just you and me- so how can we really help? 

We’re Here to Help

First, you’re not alone in feeling this way. We feel this crunch too! Second, remember that doing something good for the planet is always better than not doing it! Making those things a habit takes some time, but it’s worth the effort. And, it’s actually a pretty nice feeling! The hardest part of living more sustainably is getting started- after that, it’s pretty smooth sailing!

Helping you get started with a more sustainable everyday lifestyle is why we created our new sustainability kits. We wanted a way to share some of our favorite eco-friendly and sustainable product swaps that we’ve discovered over the last couple years. Everything in our kits, we use everyday in our home. If you’re just getting started with greener living, let us take some of that anxiety out of the mix: try a curated selection of some of the products that got us started, and have stuck around because they were awesome. Plus, all of these picks are from women-owned companies based in the USA. We’re sure you’ll find some new favorites, and we know you’ll feel great about everything you’re not throwing in the trash.

We also wanted to create a product to deliver some serious cost savings on lots of wraps, without the excess packaging that, say, a big restock of your kitchen stash, might generate. If you’re a fan of Z Wraps buying 10 at a time, you deserve a packaging-free deal! You’ve also probably tried a Z Wrap before--or you’re the kind of person who goes all in. Either way, we get the vibe that you might even be excited by the prospect of a surprise set of wraps. Enter the Package Free 10-pack: 4 sizes, a surprise mix of 4 different designs, and 10 wraps total all in a package-free brown paper parcel. Pretty rad if we do say so ourselves!

You & the Community 

Maybe we’re over-achievers, but that didn’t feel like enough for us. Pumped to be helping you make less plastic trash? Abso-freakin-lutely, always. But Z Wraps is growing up, and we believe that comes with a responsibility to give something back to the community. For years, we have loved the work our local Community Center does for our hometown or Easthampton, Massachusetts. So when we were working out how to give back with these three new products, ECC was a clear choice. Hunger and food security are two important issues for us: it’s estimated that 1 in 6 people in America go hungry, and there is hunger in every community across the country. Households with children and the elderly are also more likely to experience food insecurity. Holidays can also be a particularly tough time.

A holiday meal table full of special foods and desserts.

Hunger doesn’t have to happen. The most common causes of hunger are poverty, and financial resources at a local and national level. Reducing food waste can help address hunger, but direct action- like community meal and pantry programs, nutrition education, and voicing your support both for programs in your community and national programs like SNAP- is often more impactful. That’s why we decided to team up with the ECC and support the great work they’re already accomplishing. For each Sustainability Kit and Z Wraps 10-pack sold, Z Wraps donates the equivalent of 1 meal to the ECC’s array of food and nutrition programs. 

None of this would be possible without your support. Thank You for believing in Z Wraps, and for the steps you take each day to make our planet a little greener. Now that support goes even further! And we seriously love you for it.

Want to do more?

Want to do even more to fight hunger in your community? Check out this report from Feeding America, locate your local Meals on Wheels organization and sign up to become a volunteer, or consider writing your elected representatives in support of legislation working to erase hunger from our nation.

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