Product Exclusive with Team Z Wraps
Last month, we posed a question to our online community… What’s your favorite Z Wrap?! While our Facebook fans leaned towards “Painted Poppies,” Instagram favored our “Farmer’s Market” design. Since the polls gave us little consensus, to get to the bottom of this frequently-asked-question, we went right to the source. We gathered Michelle, Stacia, Cathy and Grace together and asked the team here at Z Wraps for the inside scoop. Here is what they said...

Stacia was one of the first employees to join Z Wraps. She is an artist and entrepreneur. Her favorite print is Farmer’s Market. “I like to garden and grow my own produce… this print speaks to me because it is playful.”
Next we asked Cathy, who excels at workflow and operations at Z Wraps. “My favorite print is Painted Poppies. It is vibrant and bold… yet at the same time, delicate where the blushy-pink hues pop.”

Curious which print the developer of all these designs would choose, we asked Michelle to be the tie-breaker between our two best sellers. But of course, she offered a third option: Leafy Green. “I like it because it is soothing and calm. I appreciate simple, clean design.”
With little hesitation, Grace, added another choice. “Cheese is my favorite!” When asked why, she declared, “I just LOVE cheese.”

So, while the jury’s still out on the Farmer’s Market or Painted Poppies preference, there is clearly more than one right choice. In fact, many of our customers have both in their pantry. Which brings us to the question… What’s your favorite design?!
Meghan Hoagland
Digital Content & Media Manager at Z Wraps
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