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It’s 2017. We’re in the home stretch of the school year with 2 months to go. Michelle Zimora is in her kitchen and she is fed up--with chucking food that’s gone bad, and the accumulating plastic trash from trying to preserve it. Can you relate?
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DID YOU KNOW: The beautiful, colorful designs that decorate Z Wraps were all created by women! We’re delighted to introduce two of them: our newest artist, and the very first artist we worked with. Check out these amazing ladies!
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At Z Wraps, we believe in making sustainability beautiful. Why? Because offering sustainable, eco-friendly alternatives to common kitchen plastics isn't enough--you have to offer something that people will want to use more than plastic! By making Z Wraps beautiful as well as exceptionally practical and affordable, we made a sustainable choice all the more attractive, literally and figuratively. When those things come together, a sustainable choice comes within reach without being a hassle or an all-or-nothing game. Every step we take towards a more sustainable world counts!
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